She came running up the rusty, spiral staircase and reported: “We don’t have classes today!” (Children of Innocence Series).

“We’ve brought our books with us. We will play school! We’re going to be the teachers…we’re deciding who will be the principal.” (Children of Innocence Series)

“Wheeeeeee! What a strong wind!’ he said, “feels so good, I can fly like Superman!” (Children of Innocence Series)

“What’s with the bucket on your head?” I asked. “I don’t want to go to their pretend school! I’m not here. I’m invisible. I’m hiding!” he replied. (Children of Innocence Series).

When he finally lifted the bucket, I asked: “So you don’t like going to school? What do you want to be when you grow up?” “I am going to be a soldier!” (Children of Innocence Series).

They tried to convince him to join their play school. He refused. "I told you, I'm invisible!" (Children of Innocence).

“I am their principal!” she cheered. Curiously I asked, “What’s the job of the principal?” “Well…” she replied, “I catch the teachers who are late and the students who are lazy!” (Children of Innocence Series).

“Look! If you have a book, when it rains, you don’t need an umbrella!” (Children of Innocence Series).

"I will be their Math and Reading teacher for today." (Children of Innocence Series).

“I am their teacher, and my li’l sis is my favorite student!”…to which the little one replied, “and you are my favorite teacher!” (Children of Innocence Series).

Do you always fight? "Sometimes." she replied. "He is the naughty one!" "And she's the grouchy one!" he retorted. (Children of Innocence Series)

It started drizzling. The children sat down in the narrow corridor, opened their books and began reading out loud. (Children of Innocence Series).

It started drizzling. The children sat down in the narrow corridor, opened their books and began reading out loud. (Children of Innocence Series).

"Where's teacher?" she asked, a bit impatient. He giggled. "Teacher is late!" (Children of Innocence Series)

‘School’ has officially opened. They gathered together in the nearest dry area they could find and didn’t mind that the floor was dirty. Children who are hungry for learning will always find a way. They can turn a narrow aisle to a world of wonder - where anything is possible. (Children of Innocence Series).
In the midst of Typhoon ‘Hagupit/Ruby’ in the Philippines, the 2nd most intense tropical typhoon in 2014, when classes have been suspended for almost a week due to strong winds and flood, these children missed going to school so much that they created their own ‘learning paradise’.