Her hand she gave
to the love of her life,
Her womb she made home
to her precious children,
Her heart she dedicated
to her family- extended
To the lost, the needy,
shedding light to humanity.

Her time was never her own,
she always puts herself last.
Even late at night or early morn,
she prays for the sick and forlorn.
She gives and gives with all her might
even though she herself barely survives.
In material poverty and unspoken agony
she humbly kneels before the Almighty.
"Thy will be done..." she whispers,
when her fears are screaming in her ears.
"Thy will be done..." she claims,
in the midst of her enemies' sneers.
"Thy will be done!" she declares,
in life's 'battlefield' all these years.
"Thy will be done." she believes,
In her brokenness, needs, and tears.

She gives herself to the world,
and serves the best way she knows how
with all her strength, all her heart,
all her mind, her body and soul.
With all she is, and all she has,
giving and waiting to have time.
Feeling guilty and selfish, to wish
for time for herself - is but a crime.
Now she needs to give the world a chance
to show how great she has led them. Trusting it's all part of the plan
that they, we, and she - will overcome.
"Thy will be done..." she asked.
For grace is given that we may fulfill them.

"And so it was that she, having waited and endured patiently realized and obtained what God has promised."
22/Aug/2019 11:39pm Phuket, Thailand